Red Wine: No great wines, only great bottles
@ Salil's home, Albany, NY, 1/9/2024

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This was the 2nd evening of Mikhail's visit. Notes and pix from the first evening can be found here.

Once again, Jared and I joined him at Salil's. This time the delicious food was made by DeFazio's in Troy, NY (except for a special dessert, see below).

The two wines that I thought would show best didn't. But some old wines stole the show.

Pizza from DeFazio's in Troy, NY. Still the best! (BBQ Chicken; Sausage, Peppers, & Onion; Veggie.)



Salil's heavenly Canelés de Bordeaux:

People Pix

The happy baker:
The two photos above by Mikhail Lipyanskiy.

Mikhail, Jared:


Another great evening with good friends, good food, and mostly good wines.

My tasting notes posted from CellarTracker.


All original content © Ken Vastola