Wine Dinner
@ Salil's home, Albany, NY, 11/21/2023

Salil hosted us for a wonderful meal and wine dinner. All the food was prepared from scratch by Salil (except the cheese).

Click on any photo with a border for a larger view of that photo. Some larger photos contain more image as well as much higher resolution and are typically 3-4 MB.

Salil's homemade focaccia and Èpoisses:
Focaccia photos by Salil.

Main Course.
Salil's delicious smoked and grilled chicken with lentils:
Chicken photo by Salil.

Salil's heavenly Canelés de Bordeaux:


Great food and wine make for a delightful evening.

My tasting notes posted from CellarTracker.


All original content © Ken Vastola